Mood Rating: 6/10I met with my care coordinator and my pdoc this morning. Both of them are really pushing for me to join the Acre Day Hospital's group therapy sessions. I have tried to tell them that I won't be taking up the offer, but they really have tried to back me into a corner. My pdoc is of the opinion that I will not beat my social phobia unless I join a group. Groups aren't really the problem though, I just don't want to join in at this day hospital. Call me snobby, but the people there are not my cup of tea. It's very hard to explain, but if I don't like the people, I'm not likely to get on very well.
Anyway, the meeting went well, other than that. I'm still to continue with my meds and I'll still be seeing the care coordinator. Plus, I met with another care coordinator today called Ann. She deals with social phobias too. She tends to use graded exposure to help people overcome their problems, which is far more my cup of tea. I've already been pushing myself to go to new places and do things that I haven't done for years, so I think that, with Ann's help, I WILL manage to overcome this hurdle WITHOUT group therapy.
My husband is currently meeting with someone from the mental health team to have a carer's assessment. I'm not sure what it entails or what will come of it, but we both felt that he needed some support too. It's a 2-hour appointment, so he should come away with a good idea of things.
I'm still waiting to hear about the Disability Living Allowance. I can't believe it takes them this long. I so hope that I get it. Back payment would also help. I'm not managing to work very much at the moment, so any extra funding would be more than welcome.
My mood was pretty low earlier. I think it was mainly to do with lack of sleep, but I felt so rough that I took myself off to bed this afternoon. I've woken up in a better mood, but it's still nothing to shout about. I'm so tired of constantly thinking about my moods and when the next low mood will strike. I'd give anything to be 'normal'.