Sunday, January 10, 2010

Down Time

Mood Rating: 6/10

Feeling a little sorry for myself this evening. I've been talking to an old friend online who also has agoraphobia and anxiety issues. However, she manages to hold down a part-time job, enjoys studying, and has 3 children - she's got everything I long for. I'm not at all jealous, but definitely envious. I'm in my 30s now, I don't want to wake up and find myself in my 40s still longing for the same things. How do I change my whole life?

I'm counting down the days until I see my pdoc. I've got a lot to discuss with him. I just hope he doesn't dismiss my depression as being all down to weight issues - he's concentrating on that a little too much. Yes, it's an issue, but if my mind was in its rightful place, I might be more willing to do something about the rest of my life. I guess I'm looking for that illusive magic pill that will solve all my problems. I know it doesn't exist, but it doesn't stop me wanting it.


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