Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Not Going Out

Mood Rating: 6/10

I've been feeling a little on the low side today. I was due to take my dog to the groomer's today, but I found that I just couldn't. Fortunately, my mum stepped in and took her for me. My mum's an absolute star. She comes round everyday to keep me company for a few hours - I could never tire of her presence.

All I've managed to do today is pack my husband's Christmas stocking, put the dishwasher on and build the fire. I feel so lazy at times, but I just don't have the energy to do anything about it.

As always, work is playing on my mind. I'm ticking off the days until I'll have to start again, and I'm dreading every minute of it already. I'm still trying to get hold of my GP to get her to backdate my sick note, but it's proving a tough job.

I'm also disgusted with my niece. She got herself pregnant last year aged just 16. Everyone told her what a bad idea it was (for her) to have a baby at that age, as we knew she wouldn't cope. To cut a long story short, she split up with the father and is with someone new. Now the father is declaring undying love for her, but taunting her at the same time. He told her that he had a better life than her as he didn't have a baby to look after. She broke down, said she wasn't coping and that she was thinking of calling in the social. I can't believe that she could be so selfish! This is a litter person we're talking about, for God sake! Now the father's parents are talking about going for custody. It just disgusts me that people can be so callous. As you know, I long for a baby, but for some reason I can't have one. Why are people like my niece allowed to procreate? I'm baffled.

I don't think it's a case of PND. In fact, I know it's not. It's more to do with not being able to go out with her friends when she feels like it. She needs to stop and think how good she actually has it: Her father provids a roof over her head for free, and feeds her. She doesn't work, but lives off the state. She has babysitters on tap, and even takes her baby to stay at her new boyfriend's house a number of nights a week.

I don't know. I'm just astounded that some people can't love their children properly.

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