Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Just As Bad

... see a theme developing with the titles?

Mood Rating: 6/10

Okay, so my mood appears slightly better, but I can't say that I'm feeling it very much. There are so many cliches running through my head: life's stretching out before me. I'm only happy when I'm sleeping, etc. etc.

I'm just about to have a nap to see if my mood will improve. The CT are coming round at 4.30pm. They're beginning to cut back their visits from every day to 3 times a week. I don't think that they've helped all that much this time. They just come round and chat for an hour. I know that I need to allow myself to feel better but I truly haven't the energy for it. I spend every day waiting to take my tablets so that I can go to sleep and get out of it all for a while. It's just no way to live. If a dog were this miserable it'd be put down. Again, I'm feeling resentful of the people around me forcing me to live.


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